Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Edge of The Wooods Workshop/ Mubarakah Ibrahim

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BALANCE fitness

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Dear Friends

We at Edge of The Woods Food Store take pride in the fact that our customers are proactive in improving their health and wellbeing, by taking the necessary steps to seek alternative paths to wellness.

We are happy to announce our affiliate relationship with BALANCE fitness Studio and its owner Mubarakah Ibrahim as our community wellness educator. Mubarakah (pronounce Moo-ba-ra-ka), brings her energy, thirst for knowledge and love of health and wellness together with area health professionals that will inform, enlighten, guide and us through the many paths we have to choose from.

Please join us for our Wednesday evening bi-monthly series of workshops beginning in January of 2008. In addition you can stay connected and updated by joining our e-list and blog.

Dear Monti

GO GREEN month is a national month of recognition and reminder for everyone to make more effort being environmentally conscious. Just as we make effort to remember the contribution of African American during February Black History Month. This month we should make effort to remember ways to help improve and save the enviornment.

How can you help save the environment and save money at the same time?
Did you know that eating and buying local produce helps boost the local economy and the dollars in your pocket. We save on emissions that are created by trucks carrying foods across the country, which in turns makes the food less expensive.

Imagine that! Eating healthier can benefit your health and your bank account.

Find out more this Wednesday!

Wednesday March 5, 2008
7:pm-8:pm Edge of the Woods Food Store Upstairs Lounge
363 Whalley Ave, New Haven CT
Is the Grass is Greener on Your Own Side
Sustainable Agriculture
Does local resources really decrease our dependence on foreign oil? Is CT grown vegetables that better than those grown in sunny California? Can allergies be improved by eating locally? These and other questions are up for discussion with local farmers George Hendinger and Vincent Kay

Winter Workshop Calendar
Wednesday Evenings 7:PM-8:PM

Wednesday January 23, 2008
The Truth About Weight Loss
Eating Healthy but Still Can't Lose Weight?
Are you eating whole grains, lean proteins, and lots of fruits and vegetables and still can't seem to lose weight? Can your whole wheat bread can be causing your fat belly? Will switching to a vegetarian diet really help you lose 20lbs? Are there really a such thing as "fat burning' foods. The truth about these and more will be reveled as we have a dialog with certified personal trainer and fitness counselor Mubarakah Ibrahim.

Wednesday February 6, 2008
Nurturing Generations
Pre-and postnatal Health
Herbs, homeopathy and natural healing . . . is it safe during pregnancy? There is a New birthing center coming to New Haven...find out when and where. Can what you eat give your infant allergies? Discuss these and more with our panel of experts. Dr. Amanda Levitt, Mid-wives Janet Spinner and Vicki Marnin, and Rachael Light MD.

Wednesday February 20, 2008
Living with Vitality
Vitality: The Chiropractic Link
Studies show that decreased stress to the nervous system can increase your longevity and vitality. This evenings talk will explain how Chiropractic can make this possible. Join
Dr. Katey Confrenscesco as she exposes groundbreaking technology in the realm of mind body healing that plays a vital role in longevity.

Wednesday March 5, 2008
Is the Grass is Greener on Your Own Side
Sustainable Agriculture
Does local resources reallydecrease our dependence on foreign oil? Is CT grown vegetables that better than those grown in sunny California? Can allergies be improved by eating locally? These and other questions are up for discussion with local farmers George Hendinger and Vincent Kay

Wednesday March 19, 2008
CT: A part of a Global Village
Is CT contributing to global warming?
Ozone layer, alternative fuel, animal extinction, global warming... what does little CT has to do with this global problem and its solutions? Are we apart or the solutions or part of the problem? An enlightening conversation for anyone who care about our planet. Come discuss how we as individuals and a community can make a difference in our global village with Environmentalist Brandy Love.

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