Sunday, March 18, 2007

Budget Issues Overview

Hi Everyone:

It is that time of year again, Tax Season! And for the Board of Aldermen it is budget time. We are currently hearing a number of issues that will impact the amount of money that you pay in taxes next July. I want your input so, I, as your representative have a basis for making a decision. Below are two of the issues that are hot topics now so lets start with them.

The Elderly Tax Freeze
Why didn’t the Mayor’s proposed mill rate not drop as expected

I will post this email the blog under separate headings so you can let me know what you think of each issue individually.

You can contact me via email at, posting in the comments section of, or posting a comment at in the forum titled “Ask Moti”.

If you are not comfortable posting publicly for what ever reason please email me and indicate in the email that you want to keep you name private. Otherwise I will be sharing your replies and thoughts with my colleagues as sent in (with names).

I will do my best to incorporate your ideas and look forward to hearing from you.

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