Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Mayor's requested Pay Increase

Dear All:

I have been contacted by a number of folks commenting on the pay rate increase that the Mayor is looking for. You can read about it in the New Haven Independent, the New Haven Register, or the Yale Daily News.

As your elected official I would like to hear what you think about this. For or against or perhaps a partial raise

The Finance Committee of the BOA is having a hearing at 7pm November 20th. I understand that the WEB meets that night so I won’t be at the WEB, but if one can’t make a hearing you can always send a letter to be read into testimony.

You can post a signed comment here, call me at 772-1805 or email me at ward28@snet.net

1 comment:

magashbeis said...

The mayor is entitled to a regular cost of living increase (around 4000 dollars), not a penny more.
Remember, no matter how good of a job you think the the mayor is doing, this has nothing to do with his performance, but with comparable salaries to other mayors. You are voting for the salary of the position, not the person filling the position.