Monday, July 23, 2007

FoBPP Meeting 7-25-07

Hot off the Press!

FOBPP Meeting #6 7-25-07

Hello FOBPP,
Welcome to the last Greenspace meeting of July.
We will have our sixth gardening session with Paula Randler, our Greenspace intern.

Date: Wednesday, July 25
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Location: Go beyond the benches at the corner of Fournier and Crescent. Then go through the second yellow gate to the Wildflower Garden near the Bowen field running track. We will plant wildflower seeds, perennials, and native grasses in our wildflower garden.

Come for the whole time. Come for a short time. Come to say hello and cheer us on.

We will do some plant, weeding and mulch. Probably the new plants will need watering.

Please bring your energy, your children, your parents, grandparents and neighbors.

Paula's work phone is 203-432-6189. My cell phone is 203-494-2529.


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