Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bellevue Road Update

Hi All:

I just want to give a bit of an update as to what is going on with the issues brought up at the meeting last week.

Murder investigation - still ongoing but no closure yet.

192 Goffe - Carl Goldfield - in who's ward the house resides - spoke with the landlord and is working with them to fix the problem. Carl has reported positive interaction and asked to be informed of any charges good or otherwise at that address.

Illegal parking on Bellevue Rd. - Lt. Costin was out in the past week and had patrol ticket a number of cars pared illegally. There were no tows as the owners came out and moved the cars. Lt. Costin believes that the message was sent but would like to know if this becomes an issue again.

I will continue to update you as I get more information.

Yours truly,


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